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Theory and Fabrication of Integrated Circuits
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Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs):

Appropriate protective equipment is required when working in the lab. Below are guidelines for the use of this equipment.

Safety glasses

to be worn at all times in lab. Exceptions:

  • microscope work

Nitrile gloves (thin)

to be worn at all times in lab. Note that the gloves are primarily for the protection of the wafers:

  • to protect the wafer by preventing organic and alkali ion contamination from skin
  • provide secondary protection to the user - additional barrier if primary (thick nitrile) protection fails
  • handle from the inside to prevent contamination of the outside
  • be conscious of what the gloves contact (do not scratch face, etc.)
  • change if contamination suspected

Nitrile gloves (thick green)

to be worn at all times when working with acids and bases in the wet lab

  • primary personal protection for most acids and bases
  • inspect before using
  • care must be taken when handling nitric acid and solvents, which can deteriorate the gloves
  • if any cracking or tears are present replace with new set
  • ensure that the cuff of each glove is folded up to prevent liquids from running down the wearer's arms
  • turn on the water with thin nitrile gloved hands before putting on the thick nitrile gloves
  • handle gloves from the inside - assume that acid is present if they are wet
  • be conscious of where your hands are at all times when wearing the gloves

Nitrile gloves (thick green) lined with Silver Shield

to be worn at all times when working in a fume hood which contains hydrofluoric acid (HF) in the wet lab

  • primary personal protection for HF and other acids
  • inspect before using
  • if any cracking or tears are present replace with new set
  • ensure that the cuff of each glove is folded up to prevent liquids from running down the wearer's arms
  • turn on the water with thin nitrile gloved hands before putting on the thick nitrile gloves
  • handle gloves from the inside - assume that acid is present if they are wet
  • be conscious of where your hands are at all times when wearing the gloves

Safety shield

to be worn at all times when working with acids and bases in the wet lab

  • must not be worn when working near the furnaces
  • keep the shield over your face when wearing - they are designed to protect the face against splashes

Zetex gloves

to be worn when handling quartz in the furnace area

Lab Safety


·Evacuation Routes

·Fire Alarms

·Hydrogen Alarms


·Personal Protective Equipment

·Power Outage

·Safety Handout

In case of emergency, always call 9-911 and give the following information:

·Your name

ECE444 Fabrication Laboratory
Room 260
2nd Floor MNTL
208 N. Wright St.

·Specific information about the emergency

Answers provided by this service may not be relevant to the materials presented in this website.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Contact ece444
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